Tuesday 19 October 2010

java.util.zip for Java Mobile

Well, as I've been working on my ebook reader for the java mobile platform, and had decided upon having ePub as the standard book format for it, I bumped into the problem of decompressing zip files in Java Mobile. Well, thanks to the guys from GNU (and, respectively, their Classpath project) and some minor modifications from me, I've assembled a working version of java.util.zip for Java Mobile.
It is implemented using the RandomReadingFile class from my other project as a substitute for the original RandomAccessFile which is missing in Java Mobile.

The source code and instructions how to use it are available at GitHub.

Of course, along with all, there are the other classes, too. That is, Checked streams and GZIP streams.
It's worth mentioning that after obfuscation, the lib is 42K big.

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